Endowment Fund

Investing in Our Future

The WSF Midwest Chapter Endowment Fund is used to fund projects like the study and control of disease, the development of water catchments, sheep transplants into areas needed and further education to the public and youth. In the future, our plan is to spin off about 4% of the average balance of the prior 3-year year-end amounts. This should amount to an additional $40,000 plus going towards conservation projects annually as we go forward.

We need to keep this endowment fund growing to keep funding these important conservation projects. As you plan your donations for the year and especially your year-end donations, please give strong consideration to the WSF Midwest Endowment Fund. The easiest way to donate is a straight cash donation. Stock that has appreciated is a great way to donate, this way you can avoid the tax gain, yet get the full value for your donation on your tax return. Other ways would be to leave a percentage of your will or as a beneficiary in your life insurance policy. If you have other ideas, please contact Oscar Carlson at 651-464-8303 or Jeff Geiger our investment manager from Merrill Lynch at 614-880-4826.

Oscar Carlson

Endowment Trustee Chairman

We need to keep sheep and other wildlife on the mountains for future generations, so please consider a donation.

All gifts to the Wild Sheep Foundation-Midwest Chapter Endowment Fund are fully tax deductible.

For more information about the Endowment Fund please contact:

Mike Bouton
PO Box 80
Chaska, MN 55318