By – Associated Press – Sunday, November 15, 2015 DEADWOOD, S.D. (AP) – A bighorn sheep herd that state wildlife officials released in February into the Grizzly Gulch burn area is thriving in the hills above Deadwood, and its members continue to give residents a show. The herd frequently visits a rocky area on Deadwood...Read More
Results from this summer’s bighorn sheep survey indicate North Dakota’s bighorn population has increased from last year, despite the ongoing presence of pneumonia. North Dakota Game and Fish Department big game biologist Brett Wiedmann said the July-August survey showed a minimum of 304 bighorn sheep, an increase of 6 percent from 2014. Results revealed 87...Read More
Glasgow, MT – State wildlife officials killed two young bighorn rams after they were spotted near domestic sheep south of Malta, more than 20 miles from two nearby bighorn herds. Fish, Wildlife and Parks biologist Scott Thompson removed the sheep on June 24 over concerns that the domestic sheep could have been exposed to pneumonia...Read More